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Eden Primary School, Carrickfergus


2023/2024 School Year

21st Apr 2024
In P1 we have been loving learning all about 2D shape!  We have explored how...
17th Apr 2024
Squares and rectangles, circles and triangles .. lots of shapes! Lots of shapes...
17th Apr 2024
P1 have had great fun learning all about ‘positional language’ …...
17th Apr 2024
A massive WELL DONE to our hockey πŸ‘ teams today!! You should be so very proud...
17th Apr 2024
Thank you to all who took part in The Big Plastic Count.  We have been able...
10th Apr 2024
On Monday 25th March, 2024 the children in P5 visited the Fire Station in Carrickfergus....
10th Apr 2024
The children in P5 were exploring The Easter Story through drama.  They enjoyed...