Primary 5
Now that we have finally made it into Key Stage Two we have lots of new things to look forward to. Mrs. Donaldson says that we are coping well with finding our way around and adjusting to a new teacher’s expectations as well as changes in routines. Thankfully we have the support of a range of Teaching Assistants including Mrs Heggarty and Mrs Daly to keep us right as well.
We have been enjoying reading lots of new Literacy resources that will help us to move from being great to truly fabulous readers!!! The classroom has been decorated with new posters and beautiful displays that we have contributed to – our teacher has really appreciated our hard work with this already! We are learning new skills and doing our utmost to put Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities into action in our classroom through working well with others in teams, being creative, getting better at organising our belongings and our time, managing information that we have been given and being involved in lots of practical investigations where we get the chance to problem-solve and make decisions.
As well as using these new resources and getting to grips with all of the other stuff, we are doing our very best to remain in the green traffic light so that we can reap all of the benefits of being well behaved! Golden Time is a special moment set aside each week where the P.5’s get the chance to enjoy playing games, building with the construction toys, creating art pictures and models as well as choosing how to spend the time and generally being rewarded for being excellent!
We have enjoyed some visitors to school already and are especially looking forward to things such as Fun with Drums, our Stone Age Day and trips to the Ulster Museum and The Grand Opera House for the annual pantomime. Our Ancient Egyptian Day in term three will be another highlight so please keep track of what we are up to on a regular basis by clicking on the news section for Primary Five.
Primary 5
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Eden Primary School, Larne Rd, Carrickfergus, BT38 7NL Phone: 028 9335 1958