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Eden Primary School, Carrickfergus


2023/2024 School Year

28th Jan 2024
It has been great to have the enthusiasm and skills of three sixth year boys from...
28th Jan 2024
Primary 6 have been investigating hull shapes, sizes and the best shape and size...
26th Jan 2024
Every Friday, Year 3 complete a problem solving activity. Today, we had to find all...
25th Jan 2024
We have been writing cards for Valentine’s Day to residents at a local nursing...
21st Jan 2024
I am so very proud of our amazing choir. We have great fun every Tuesday afternoon...
18th Jan 2024
We have been building numbers using Cuisenaire in Year 3. This week, we explored...
17th Jan 2024
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our ‘10p Tuesday’ fundraiser...
14th Jan 2024
We have had the most amazing week exploring winter through many of our play-based...