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Eden Primary School, Carrickfergus


2023/2024 School Year

21st Jan 2024
I am so very proud of our amazing choir. We have great fun every Tuesday afternoon...
18th Jan 2024
We have been building numbers using Cuisenaire in Year 3. This week, we explored...
17th Jan 2024
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our ‘10p Tuesday’ fundraiser...
14th Jan 2024
We have had the most amazing week exploring winter through many of our play-based...
11th Jan 2024
In Primary 2 during Circle Time, we have been discussing our different emotions and...
3rd Jan 2024
The answer is recycle it in our pen box, situated in the foyer of the school, near...
20th Dec 2023
Beverley from Sustrans came in today and we always enjoy this in P1 as it means...
20th Dec 2023
How much fun did we have….LOTS!!!!  The P1’s had the best time...